What you will learn

  • How React works
  • How to make React components
  • How to create user interfaces
  • What are props and two-way binding
  • Events and state for creating interactive applications
  • How React works under the hood
  • Working with lists and content by condition
  • Ways to style components
  • Hooks
  • Using built-in hooks and creating custom hooks
  • Debugging React Apps
  • Styling with “styled components” & CSS modules
  • Working with Snippets and Portals
  • Working with side effects
  • Class Based Components
  • Working with Http requests
  • Forms input management
  • Redux – Fundamentals + Advanced
  • React Router


Basic knowledge of web development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Learn application development with the most popular JS library in a simple and easy to understand language for beginners!

React.js is the most popular JavaScript library that you can use in the frontend to create modern user interfaces.

In this course, you’ll learn modern React from the beginning, step-by-step with practical and interesting code examples, important theory about how React works under the hood, and lots of hands-on assignments. All you need is a basic knowledge of web development and JavaScript.

You’ll learn React hands-on with all the modern patterns, understand key concepts as well as advanced concepts and related topics.

Not only will you learn React, but you’ll also learn how to solve problems and learn how to structure and organize your code.

All of this will help you become a React developer!

This course is different because it’s not just about writing code, but about how and why code works the way it does. Because it’s a perfect combination of theory and practice.

Who this course is for:

Anyone who wants to learn how to develop modern web applications using the most popular library, React