We teach you how to create websites: we explain how a browser works, how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (ES6). The teachers will teach you how to repeat the framework, explain how to build a web application using the Gulp/webpack tool.
You will understand the tools that speed up development and will be able to use the rules that will soon become a standard right now. You will work on projects in a team and independently. You will create several websites and a web application, and you will be able to build websites for mobile devices. After completing the course, your portfolio will help you take the first steps in your career as a Front-End developer.
Why Front-End?
- After writing the code, you see the result immediately
- Your portfolio is visualized for the customer
- Knowledge of Front-End will allow you to move to any area of development
- You will learn how to create websites and interfaces using HTML and CSS
- You will learn one of the most popular languages – JavaScript
Course program
- Introductory lesson, familiarization
- What is a website. Setting up the workflow. Introduction to HTML
- Git version control system and GitHub service
- Semantics, links and HTML5 tags
- Figma for Front-End developers
- Building forms
- Introduction to CSS
- CSS selectors
- CSS Box Model of a document
- Flexbox, Bootstrap
- Web fonts, Font Face
- CSS positioning and transformation
- Scalable vector graphics (SVG)
- Working with pre- and post-processors
- (optional) Approaches to CSS code organization and architecture: SMACSS or BEM
- Responsive web design (RWD)
- Responsive navigation
- Responsive graphics
- CSS Grid Layout system (CSS Grid Layout)
- CSS animations
- Practice – layout design
- Project 1. First website with HTML and CSS
- CSS styling of forms
- JavaScript basics
- Data types and operators
- Loops and conditions
- Functions
- Objects
- Arrays
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- Events
- Introduction to jQuery and Slick Slider/Swiper plugins
- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX).
- Web storage
- Project 2: Architecture – basic website + JS
Front-End libraries and plugins
- Gulp. A set of open source JavaScript tools. Introduction to Webpack, an open source JavaScript batch module
- Classes
- Classes. Inheritance
- Introduction to React
- Stateful vs Stateless components. Forms, events. Popular libraries for React
- React state and props
- List & Conditional rendering
- React: Hooks
- React: Routing
- Project 3 – Responsive Website with JS
- Presentation of the final project